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Check out amazingly creative ideas for the mugs, cups and plates, what an amazing trio! : )

In this video I'll show you how to make adorable flower and plant pots with mugs and how to decorate it, ways to make party lights from plain plastic cups and festoon, make frisbee from paper plates and several awesome gift-wrapping ideas!Stay tuned and don't miss out on anything!

I'll also show you some unique fork and spoon hacks. You'll find out how to make clothes hangers, kitchen utensils holders, candle holder and many more!

You can open a wine bottle or drive a nail or cut vegetables neatly.You can even make a cute clock using plastic spoons and forks! Or turn them into salt and pepper holder.

Here are some pretty amazing life hacks for spoons and forks!
You can make incredibly creative decorative items using simple forks and spoons, salt and pepper holders, candle holders, hooks for clothes, mirrors and more!

You can decorate cakes in a beautiful way simply working with plain forks.

I can show you how to make unique lamp from plastic bottle and plastic spoons or you can make mirror decoration with plastic spoons.

You can easily make cute bows using forks as a carcass.
Check it out I can't wait for you to try these hacks!


1:10 Glitter fixes everything
5:32 Cactus cups
7:00 Wall watch
9:10 Miniature donut
10:34 Permanent marker decoration

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