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Let's dedicate this video to the King of satisfying hacks - the great and powerful Slime! : )

How to Make Butter Slime

1. Pour 8 ounces of your white glue in a bowl.
Tip: I like to buy the large gallon-size of Elmer’s Glue since it’s the most economical. It’s easy to pour and measure out your glue with measuring cups and you can use it to make lots of batches of slime!
2. Mix your baking soda in.
3. Add you water and mix thoroughly.
4. Add the baby oil and lotion and mix.
5. Add 1 tablespoon of contact lens solution and mix.
6. Pour the slime out on the table as it will be very sticky still. This is what you want since when you add your clay it will take the stickiness away.
Add a little amount of clay and fold over your slime and knead it into the slime. Keep kneading until your slime is colored and the clay is thoroughly mixed.
7. The more you knead the less sticky it should be until it feels like regular slime. You can now stretch and fold a few times and create your own swirl!
I hope you love this butter slime recipe as much as I do! You can also substitute the clay and add some cornstarch in for a similar consistency. We would recommend about 2-4 tablespoons of cornstarch.

How to Make Glow in the Dark Slime

1. Get a bowl to mix your slime ingredients in.
2. Empty your bottle of glow in the dark glue into the bowl. Try to squeeze out as much as you can from the bottle and let it drip out. Since it’s only 5 ounces if you do not pour out everything you’ll be left with a small batch of slime. We recommend doubling this recipe and using 2 bottles if you want a larger batch of slime.

Tip: Pour water that is called for in the recipe into the bottle and shake it. Then pour into your bowl to help get some of the extra glue out of the bottle.
3. Add your 1/4 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of water and mix thoroughly until the water is mixed in with the glue. If you want a stretchier slime you can add more water (up to 1/4 cup total).
4. Slowly add in your contact lens solution. Add in 1/2 tablespoon to start and then another 1/2 tablespoon. Add it in slowly and only as much as needed. Adding too much contact lens solution can make your slime hard and less stretchy.
Once you’ve mixed in the tablespoon take the slime out and start to knead it. It will be very sticky at this point and that is normal. Just keep kneading the glow in the dark slime until it is not sticky anymore. If you still find it very sticky, add a little bit of baby oil or lotion to your hands.

Reminder: your contact lens solution should contain boric acid or your slime will not form. We like this brand the best. See also our tips on How to Make Slime with Contact Solution.
5. Now you’ll need to “charge” your slime in light before it will glow in the dark. We recommend putting it in daylight if you can as the sun will be brighter than indoor lighting. If you have a bright indoor light that will work too. Make sure to spread the slime out flat when charging as it needs to be exposed to light on all areas for it glow.

These toothpaste hacks are crazy indeed yet they're so effective and may come in handy any day.
If you don't wanna throw away almost empty toothpaste tube and wanna use it till the last drop which is a great thing to do! Here's how you do it: cut out the upper edge of the toothpaste tube and insert a dispenser device from any empty shower gel or liquid soap.

Here's a recipe for a super effective cleaning solution. Pour a bottle of Coke into a plastic bottle and add some toothpaste. Take a spray device. Spray it on the rust or any other kind of dirt on your ceramics and faucets. And just wash it off!

If you need to clean your phone's camera or camera lens, do the following. Hold an egg above the candle fire. Apply the ashes on the cotton pad, put some toothpaste on top and clean the lenses.


0:47 Night slime
2:33 Getting a corn?
4:44 Gulliver slime
7:04 Pet jellyfish
10:30 Clean screen
12:15 Antistress ball

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