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Get ready to try all these cool makeup and style hacks!

Since clothes hacks are one of my favorites. I hope you dont't mind me talking about them at length here.

Let's start with some basic rules. According to fashion Guru, Tim Gunn, there are 10 MUST HAVE essential items every woman needs to have in her wardrobe. These are basic black dress, trench coat, classic dress pants, white shirt, jeans, cashmere sweater, skirt, day dress, blazer and sweat suit alternative.

So now let's try to combine 10 different outfits with just 1 basic item! How do you like that?

And before we dive into this fun activity, one more great French rule for fashionistas: If the skirt is above the knee, wear flats. If the skirt is below the knee, wear heels!

Here's a super effective blackheads remover mask recipe: 1 tablespoon gelatin, 1 tablespoon milk, microwave for 1 minute and then apply to problematic zones.

Find out the easiest ways to clean your hairbrush and deal with dry lips skin, you can simply rub it off with a toothbrush! This simple procedure will also give your lips nice bright color.

And here are some great hacks for your everyday beauty procedures. They don't take much time and effort, you just have to get accustomed to them.

Here's an easy recipe for blackheads remover: put some PVA glue and activated charcoal into a bowl, stir it up and apply to problem areas.

If you wanna get rid of the dark armpits, simply cut one potato in halves and rub it in the armpits.

Do face wash with club soda and sparkling water for healthier and smoother skin.

And if you wanna have Hollywood smile, here's the recipe for you: 2 teaspoons of club soda, toothpaste, apply it on food foil and let it rest for 10 minutes.


1:40 Need more curl?
3:21 Incredible pencil braiding technique
8:50 Blackhead remover
11:41 Natural powder

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