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If you want to prepare for some special event and bake something cool, try to cook cookies as they are the perfect and easy dessert to make. Watch our video and find your favorite one. Shortbread stamped cookies are one of the most popular tea treats. They are so easy to make. Moreover, you can use them as a gift for various holidays. If you want to bake something special to amaze your friends and family, this video is full of cool ideas. You will learn how to cook delicious cookies that look gorgeous. You won’t need any special instrument, you might already have everything at home. You can decorate cookies using a hammer, toothpicks, whisk, pasta, and even earrings! Use a straw to make lovely button-shaped cookies.
Cut out cookies decorated with icing look amazing. Decorated cookies are a perfect idea for any celebration or holiday. Watch this video and you will find amazing and easy tutorials on how to create marvelous cookies. You will find how to turn your cookies into romantic hearts, beautiful flowers, cute orange and a lot more. Besides, you can make cute gifts for your friends.
Sometimes you just can’t find the right cookie cutter. You can easily make cookie cutters at home and save a lot of money. You will need a sheet of aluminum foil. Fold up each section and form different shapes. Check our easy tutorial.

00:09 Shortbread stamped cookies
02:41 Button-shaped cookies
03:36 DIY Cookie cutters
04:06 Cookie decoration with glace icing

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Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
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