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If you love Barbie, you will love this video! After watching this video, you will be able to create a whole new world for your favorite doll. We will show you how to decorate a dollhouse and even make a whole collection of stylish and cheap furniture; how to create fancy outfits and make your Barbie a queen of the runway.
We all know that miniature furniture could be very pricey but we know how to make it at home from inexpensive supplies. You will learn how to make a comfy couch using kitchen sponges and fabric; reuse laundry detergent bottle and make a cute tube for your doll; turn matchboxes into a handy dresser to store accessories; make stylish chairs from plastic bottles.
The next collection of ideas is about handmade Barbie accessories. You can easily make miniature skates using a hot glue gun. Wrap doll’s leg in plastic wrap and use hot glue to make boots. Watch the full tutorial on how to decorate skates! Let’s make a miniature makeup and beauty product’s collection. Like every girl, Barbie should have basic makeup tools to look stunning while shopping and when she goes to a party with friends. Check out our step by step tutorials on how to make cool pink lipstick, nail polish, and mascara for your princess. You can create a unique collection of bottles and make a bathroom very stylish. Check out how to make a glamorous backpack for your Barbie.
Watch our video and find how to make colorful hairstyles using a color marker! You Barbie will be totally fabulous during the party
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