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Do you want to spend more money on entertainment? We share brilliant ways to control your monthly spending. Do you have a lot of broken things that you want to throw away? It’s better to reuse them and give a second life. For example, you may reuse egg trays to organize your drawers. Use ground coffee to get rid of the bad odor in your fridge. Do you know that you can regrow scarps at home? You will find more creative reuse ideas for your home in our video!
Find a lot of ways to reuse things. The main aim of this video is to teach you how to save money and we have a perfect trick. Reduce your monthly water bills. Fill a big plastic bottle with water and place it into a toilet tank. The bottle will displace the water in the tank and you will use less water every time you flush.
Cash gifts are rather boring but we share tricks on how to make any gift into a work of art. Tey creative ways to wrap money: use empty pizza box or empty packs from McDonald's; make a money box and pull out a chain of dollars or make elegant butterflies out of cash. If you want to make a creative but romantic gift – make cash hearts or even a cute greeting card with money inside.
If you love traveling you totally should learn how to hide money in order to avoid risks abroad. Firstly, you should know that the main rule is to split the money. You can use a soap bar, your hairbrush, empty lipstick container, toothpaste, phone case and even a sanitary pad as a safe place.
Don’t forget to share these brilliant budget-friendly ideas with your friends!

09:00 Clever way to hide money in the kitchen
00:36 Cool cash gifts
02:25 Travel tips everybody should know
03:48 Hide your money in toothpaste
05:05 Reuse egg trays
05:44 Reduce monthly water bills

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