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Girls, check out a collection of beauty ideas you will totally love:
-Check out an easy tutorial on how to increase lip volume using lip liner and highlighter
-We know a quick way to exfoliate your lips using sticky tape
-Coconut oil works perfectly if you want to remove your makeup
-Make an all-natural facial cleanser - mix aloe vera gel with lemon juice, apply this mixture and leave for 5 minutes and rinse
-Make a facial toner from tomato juice and honey. Apply this mask using a makeup brush. Leave a mask for 5 minutes and rinse
-You will be surprised but you can make a facial mask from green tea. Mix green tea with cucumber juice
-Make a facial moisturizer to nourish your dry skin. In a bowl, mix rose petals, 5 tbsp milk and beat using a blender. Add 2 tbs jojoba oil, aloe vera, vitamin E, 7 drops lavender essential oil. Facial moisturizer is a perfect way to prevent age lines and wrinkles
-Remove underarm hair using out the cool recipe: mix coffee, lemon juice, and toothpaste
If you need to quickly dry your hair, put a plastic bag on your head and dry it with a hairdryer as you usually do
-This idea is really crazy - you can dye your hair using a washable highlighter and hair conditioner
-Lemon juice is a perfect replacement for nail polish remover
-If your flat iron is dirty, clean it very quickly with Coke and towel. Yes, it’s not a joke, you will find a tutorial in the video

00:22 Lips makeup
00:48 How to exfoliate your lips
01:59 Quick way to clean a flat iron
04:15 Crazy way to dye hair
05:49 Korean beauty ideas
11:11 DIY self-tanner

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