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27 Zobrazení
Amazing school ideas that will completely change your life in class

School is one of those things that you either like or dislike. But in this video, I show you some DIY tricks that will make you enjoy school a little bit more.
To prevent yourself from getting dry lips, I show you how to make your own tinted lip balms using melted coconut oil and crayons. You simply mix the two together and voila.
Another trick you can try with crayons is to make your own nail polish by melting the color of your choice and then emptying a clean nail polish bottle inside the mixture.
Since we’re on the topic of stationery, here are some hacks with markers. You can use them to temporarily dye your hair fun colors. Simply empty the ink in a bowl, mix it up with some conditioner and leave on your hair for a couple of hours.
I also show you some genius hacks that can change your life around – such as ho to cheat on a test and get a better mark. Or, how to hide your phone inside a notebook.
You can stick some envelopes in your notebook and keep important notes inside.

0:07 – Amazing hacks using crayons
1:24 – Amazing hacks with markers
2:20 – How to fix a bad grade
5:02 – DIY separators for your notebook
8:52 – DIY iPad stand
9:09 – How to add more pages to your notebook.
10:13 – How to add notes to your notebook

#school #stationary #backtoschool

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