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Check out an awesome video for students that will help you to solve any problem! We share a lot of brilliant ideas on how to make your life much easier. You will learn how to cheap using a liner. All you need is to attach the information printed on paper to the liner using a sticky tape. Check out one more way to cheat using a pen. We share one more cool ideas on how to make a secret wax crayon that looks like a pack of bubble gum. Check out how to make a pen that looks like grass. It’s very cute! Turn a tic tac box into sticky tape dispenser. Also, you can make a secret flash drive from an empty lipstick container. Find out how to make a no-spill cup for a little artist using a balloon. Moreover, you can make a cool gift for a little artist, check out the tutorial!
Create a reusable whiteboard from a sheet protector and a sheet of white paper inside but be sure you don’t use permanent markers. Moreover, your kids can take this reusable
whiteboard everywhere. If your backpack is very boring or you have some stains on it, you can easily create tie dye print on it. All you need is fabric markers and water. Check out the tutorial. You will love the idea how you can use modeling clay to make your pen look really cool. Take a glass and mix one part of milk and one part of water. Dip chalk into it and it will not allow chalk to crumble.

Share these amazing ideas with your friends and enjoy your school year!

00:09 How to cheat using a liner
01:55 DIY Sticky tape dispenser
02:43 Secret flash drive
03:14 Reusable whiteboard
05:20 Calligraphy trick
08:24 Chalk lifehack


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