5-Man Cockpit WORKOUT: Antonov 12 Landing of Rubystar Airways in Minsk!!! [AirClips]

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If you like this you will LOVE our free Antonov 12 ULTIMATE COCKPIT MOVIE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_JmU-p3p-I

A truly classic Antonov 12 Propof Ruby Star Airlines, Belarus, performed a once-in-a-lifetime scenic flight for some dozens of aviation lovers aboard this special Merlintour charter flight. Want to experience that yourself? You can have it! Visit https://bat.flymerlin.by and if you state you come from AirClips.com, you automatically participate in our price draw! Have fun and good luck!!! The full clip will be edited and uploaded later. The airplane took off from and landed at Minsk International airport and the joyride took more than one hour.

The Antonov An-12 (NATO reporting name: Cub) is a four-engined turboprop transport aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. It is the military version of the Antonov An-10 and was made in many variants.
The first prototype flew in December 1957. Over 900 had been built, in both military and civilian versions, before production finally ended in 1973. The An-12BP entered Soviet military service in 1959. In terms of configuration, size and capability, the aircraft is similar to the United States-built Lockheed C-130 Hercules. Military Soviet and former-Soviet examples have a defensive tail gun turret.
In the 1960s China purchased several An-12 aircraft from the Soviet Union, along with a license to assemble the aircraft locally. However, due to the Sino-Soviet split, the Soviet Union withdrew its technical assistance. It was not until 1974 that the first Chinese-assembled An-12 had its maiden flight. The Xi'an Aircraft Company and Xi'an Aircraft Design Institute worked to reverse-engineer the An-12 for local production.
In 1981, the Chinese copy version of the An-12, designated Y-8, entered production. Since then the Y-8 has become one of China's most popular military and civilian transport/cargo aircraft, with many variants produced and exported. A Tu-16/H-6 bomber navigator cockpit design was chosen for Y-8 instead of the original An-12 shorter navigator cockpit design, as the H-6 bomber had been in serial production for some time. Although the An-12 is no longer made in Russia or Ukraine, the Y-8 continues to be upgraded and produced in China. The latest Y8-F600 is a joint venture between Shaanxi Aircraft Company, Antonov Aeronautical Scientific-Technical Complex (ASTC), and Pratt & Whitney Canada. The Y8-F600 has a redesigned fuselage, western avionics, PW150B turboprop engines with an R-408 propeller system, and a two-crew glass cockpit. It is unknown whether the Shaanxi Y-8 remains in production, yet many believe it will remain in production for the foreseeable future.
The here seen An-12BK has an increased 30-tonne (66,140 lb) payload, improved avionics suite, TG-16M APU and the widened cargo door of the An-12BP characterized the An-12BK, which was built exclusively for the VTA (Komandovaniye voyenno-transportnoy aviatsii), a major component of the Soviet Air Force.
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