A319 taking off sequence from cockpit, LFBO Toulouse

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11 Zobrazení
Thanks to the crew who allowed me to have my greatest time on my whole life ... in this Air France A319 cockpit ! We were taking off from Toulouse (LFBO), France, to Paris Orly (LFPO) on May 26, 2007, on my way to La Ferte Alais !
What could I say? Just when you've been dreaming to pilot an Airliner since you're born, and then when you pilot for the very first time a small plane at the age of 15, this flight was so great !!! well that's the biginning of a great big adventure, and the flight was something kinda amazing, just really loved it !
Well, we took off on runway 32R, SID was FISTO, and we arrived with STAR AMB4W (AMB for Amboise, W stands for West arrival) and a landing on Rwy 26 ..
Thanks for watching !
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